




  • ALDO is a fashion brand that wants to bring a new definition of "Fashion in harmony with Comfort"
  • Launching a new Website platform, Aldo hopes to grow revenue at the most optimal cost.


  • Website Technical Set Up: Set up tracking on the new Website, ensuring data is fully recorded to provide insight and optimize advertising.

  • Track and Optimize Advertising: Build up an In-depth Dashboard that combines data from systems (advertising system, Google Analytics, Backend) to continuously monitor Advertising performance, optimizing Priority to Real Revenue.

  • Creative: Based on existing industry experience and insights from data, Team PeakAds coordinates with Team Aldo to build content and images to increase customer attraction and optimize advertising campaign performance.


  • Sales Performance: Achieved over 250% of the set target.
  • Total Orders Placed: Over 5000 orders on the website.
  • Cost-to-Revenue Ratio: Below 5%.